Saturday, December 29, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007

The bike on the left at the rear of the pack is owned by one of the raddest dudes I've ever met.
George, is the so called guiding light for the rest of us. He always has tools when one of us breaks down, because we're too stupid to bring our own...He always has a cigarette when I've just smoked my last one and really need another...
A helping hand during the build process, when my own two hands couldn't quite hold what I needed when I needed it still.
George, is just one of those guys, who's always there at just the right time. He's a cold beer on a hot day, a clear vision when my eyes are full of doubt.
Sure, he might have some weird ideas and thoughts on bikes...but thats what makes him an Ignoble. Although, I don't think he think's he cool enough to be one...he is, without a doubt in my mind one of us.
Shit, the guy has a 750, and just bought a cool little 400...where he could have bought something alot shiner and nicer...and newer, but he finds the beauty in them, just like we find the beauty in the bikes we ride.
He's thinking about chopping the 750, and I'll be sure that I jump in and help him as much as I can, its the least I could do...
and when your cigarette ashes itself out, this time, allow me to be the one to light it for you.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
getting an early start...
Friday, November 23, 2007
the other day...

Thursday, November 22, 2007
I really like this song...

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Who is that special someone......
Wrenching with friends, it is the best of times. Sometime the night before the shakedown run.
The final countdown.
A well deserved break in the shade, after the hard grueling miles in near prefect weather, and riding with your buddies, and not having a breakdown or wardrobe malfunction.
Hey people! The show is on the otherside of the street.....The ride home was uneventful, except for losing El Shawn about midway, oh and his carbs acting up, but I think it might have that one licked by now.....4 months later.
A couple of shots from a ride late this year, luckily for us we finally had someone to take some great riding shots. When we left it was balmy -2 degrees, and when we returned +15. It was a great day.Ride your bike.

as of lately, I've been extremely fortunate to have some great friends.
Some, I've known for a while, some I've only recently met via the internet.
Either way, I consider them friends.
Some give up their shop, their free time away from wife and kids, others have given their undivided attention, and listen to my ideas and thoughts.
But, these are the friends who are a stones throw away, who I can always count on.
Lately, I've managed to take on some new great friends, without having met once.
Parts. Genuine HD parts, which could easily have been sold for a small fortune, but oddly enough, were sent my way for nothing.
Mind you, they're the real deal old school biker guys. They'd sooner die than throw some old part away, and rather see it go to someone who'll appreciate it. I think they see a bit of themselves in their yester year in me...and are proud to see someone try and carry the torch.
Long gone are the days of real "brotherhood".
A hand up when a friend is down, a word of encouragement, and free shit.
I'm not a religious guy by any means...but lately, I've been feeling blessed.
Thanks to the marvels of the internet...
and most of all, thanks to my "brothers" here.